Djillali Annane

Djillali Annane is the Counselor of the French Minister of Health for Research and Medical Education and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Versailles SQY, was the President of the Council of Deans of the Paris Universities, was the Vice-Chancellor of university of Versailles from 2004 to 2007, and is the President of the French Society of Intensive Care Medicine, and the Head of the critical care department at Raymond Poincaré University Hospital (AP-HP) in Garches, Paris, France. He has completed MD in 1991, and a PhD in pharmacology in 1995, both at Paris Descartes University. He has contributed to the medical literature with more than 260 peer-reviewed articles, has written about 100 book chapters, has given more than three hundred invited conferences at international scientific meeting, and has been invited as a visiting professor in numerous academic centers in Europe, North America and Australia.

Djillali Annane