Dr Mark Edwards


Consultant in Anaesthesia & Perioperative Medicine, University Hospital Southampton
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Southampton

Mark Edwards trained in general medicine and anaesthesia in Nottingham and London. He completed his higher degree at University College London in perioperative medicine and immunology, exploring the role of perioperative lymphocyte dysfunction in postoperative morbidity. His current clinical activities include anaesthesia for major adult surgery and developing clinical services within perioperative medicine. Academic interests include perioperative haemodynamic optimisation and mechanisms of postoperative morbidity. He is leading the NIHR-funded FLO-ELA (FLuid Optimisation in Emergency LAparotomy) trial and is Deputy Chief Investigator of the OPTIMISE II trial. He is also Chair of the NIAA's Health Services Research Centre Patient, Carer and Public Involvement & Engagement Group, and Wessex NIHR CRN Specialty Group Lead for Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain.

Twitter: @drmarkedwards

Mark Edwards 2016