Nick Fletcher


Dr Nick Fletcher was appointed Chair of the Institute of Anaesthesia and Critical Care at the Cleveland Clinic London in January 2019. He is involved in designing the models of care in partnership with the Ohio and London Clinic leadership.

The London Hospital will open to inpatients in early 2021. Nick has been a consultant in anaesthesia and critical care at London’s St Georges University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for 17 years, and lead for the Trust’s cardiothoracic critical care unit for 5 years up till 2012.

In addition to his clinical commitments he was President of the Association for Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Critical Care, and is an editor of British Journal of Anaesthesia Education. Dr Fletcher has published more than 70 articles and has been invited to lecture around the world; he is recognised for his national and international leadership in clinical quality, echocardiography, research and education.