Professor Mike James

Emeritus Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital

Qualifications: MBChB (Birm) 1970 PhD(Wits) 1990, FRCA (Eng) 1975 FCA(SA) 2000

• President College of Anaesthetists of South Africa 1999-2001.
• President South African Society of Anaesthesiologists 2006-2008; Council member 1993 - 2011.
• Founder member SA Critical Care Society
• Co-Chair Scientific Committee World Congress of Anaesthesiologists 2008

Research: Over 160 refereed papers and 25 book chapters and one book. Referee for numerous international journals. Editorial boards of several journals.

Research Interests: Anaesthesia for endocrine surgery, anaesthesia for vascular surgery, the management of hypertension in anaesthesia, pre-eclampsia, trauma resuscitation, fluid therapy with special interest in coagulation effects, magnesium.

Invited speaker at many international conferences worldwide

Mike James