May 16th & 17th, 2018

17th POETTS CPET Course

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing For Pre-operative Assessment Course

Montague Hotel, London, WC1B 5BJ

Event Information

May 16th & 17th, 2018
Montague Hotel, London, WC1B 5BJ
CPD credit
10 points
Matrix Codes
1A03, 1H02, 2A03, 3100

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing For Pre-operative Assessment Course

  • Accredited for training by the POETT Society
  • Only 40 delegate places per course
  • Faculty to Delegate ratio 1:4
  • Lectures, small group tutorials and workshops
  • Underlying Physiology
  • Test Interpretation
  • Respiratory and Cardiac abnormalities
  • Testing Practicalities
  • Setting up a new service


Medical Graphics UK

Previous delegate comments:
Q: What were the strongest features of the course?

Excellent speakers"
"Very knowledgeable faculty, approachable Interactive"
"Interactivity, Small groups"
"Clinical cases / tutorial discussions"
"Excellent setup. Authoritative faculty. Cannot recommend it enough"
"Excellent faculty"
"Great faculty - knowledgeable & keen.
Lots of info. covered"
Excellent course
"Going through cases after lectures - would have liked more!
Tutorial leaders v. approachable & patient!
Great course thank you!"
It was amazing that I had ZERO knowledge in interpreting CPX except for literature - now, I'm very confident to go back & interpret my pts. CPX reports
Very methodical explanation of the subject
"strong faculty; interactive tutorial sessions"
"Very interactive
Good teaching styles
Nice mix of didactic & workshops"
"Very good course. Thank you all
Lectures & practicing balance
Great course book very informative"

Event Information

May 16th & 17th, 2018
Montague Hotel, London, WC1B 5BJ
CPD credit
10 points
Matrix Codes
1A03, 1H02, 2A03, 3100